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“It’s like…you walk in your kitchen and see a pineapple…and a lemon. You think, ‘What if I used the pineapple leaves as a design…what if I make them yellow, then invert them,…



A little sexy, a little sultry, and a lot kinder to the planet—that’s what you’ll find at VDM. We create everyday luxe for beach bunnies, water-loving sun worshippers and the insatiably curious…


Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Runway Show at PARAISO Miami Beach

The 2022 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Runway Show from PARAISO Miami Beach happened yesterday night in Miami! The show was broadcasted live online so you could tune in from anywhere in the world! Plenty of…

Lyric Story with Adèle

A new project of the photographer Olga Gasnier with Adèle de Fontenay, a granddaughter of Geneviève de Fontenay, former chairman of the boards of Miss France and Miss Europe, for VPRCOMM magazine,…